Web Server Information

I will be using this website to docmuent the things I learn and progress I make in this class!


Today I was tring to get the Pi−top to connect to the interent and not use to GUI to do so. I instead used command line to connect to my home wifi. The commend I used was sude raspi-config. I then selected Network Options, Wi−fi. If you like to look for avalibe newtworks you can use sudo iwlist wlan0 scan. There you can see the SSID of all avalible networks and if they need a password. If you need more helping trying to connect to the internet using your raspberry pi then I would advise you use this link. It explains what you can do to join any network including hidden networks.

Hiddden Networks


In class today we set up our web server using a raspberry pi 3. We first pulled it into monotor, key board, and ethernet cable. We fired it up and downloaded a web server application. After that we moved the the index.html that the application came with to index.back and replaced it with a new index. We first tried to do this using vi index.html and create a new index but then after messing with it for a few minutes we came to realise that vim was not installed, so we installed it and then created our new index. The last step is to open it up to ssh and create accounts.